Getting Started

Additional information and Windows installers are available at .


The current version 2.0.x of NEXUSe2e Client requires:

  • Java 5 (JDK or JRE 1.5.x).
  • Eclipse RCP 3.2.x
Javasoft JDK/JRE version 1.5.07 through at least version 1.5.10 contain a SOAP-processing bug. As a result, 1.5.06 is required.

Installing the Client

This section will be available shortly...

Configuring Your Client

This section will be available shortly...

Adding a Partner

This section will be available shortly...

Defining a Business Process (Choreography)

This section will be available shortly...

Associating a Partner with a Business Process

This section will be available shortly...

Testing Connectivity

This section will be available shortly...