
Where did NEXUSe2e come from?

NEXUSe2e Server was initially developed by a team of developers at TamGroup Inc., California, USA under the lead of Markus Breilmann in 1999. The intend was to allow small to midsize organizations to participate in business to business electronic commerce without the complexities and cost of classic EDI.

Markus Breilmann moved back to Germany, founded his own company Xioma in 2004 and started a partnership with Tamgroup to continue the development and support of NEXUSe2e. One of the first results of this partnership was the NEXUSe2e Client application, a desktop application targeted at even smaller companies.


Who uses it?

NEXUSe2e has been adopted by a number of companies throughout the agricultural chemical industry since its inception (see Rapid). Within this industry NEXUSe2e was fittingly rebranded as Ag eMessenger. Among the users are small, medium and even very large companies, using the solution in a clustered high-availability environment.



What do I need to run it?

NEXUSe2e is a Java 5/Eclipse RCP application that requires Eclipse 3.2.x.
