Developer Guide

NEXUSe2e is built on a number of widely adopted open source frameworks and libraries such as Spring, Hibernate, various Apache libraries (see Commons, ANT, Maven, Tomcat etc. ) and others.

Building the RCP Application

In order to build NEXUSe2e client you will need ECLIPSE 3.2.x ( Each of the four sub directories will have to be its own project in the Eclipse workspace and the projects MUST be named as follows:

  • NEXUSe2eClientFeature
  • org.nexuse2e.client
  • org.nexuse2e.client.libs
  • org.nexuse2e.client.nls
You can check out the trunk from the command line and then create the four projects from within Eclipse (make sure Eclipse does not overwrite the .project, .classpath and plugin.xml files with default settings; you can use svn revert to make sure you have the files from the repository). Alternatively you can create the projects by checking them out induvidually from Eclipse. Due to license restrictions you have to download the following JAR files and place them in the directory org.nexuse2e.client.libs/lib:

Overall System Architecture

This section will be available shortly...